Starting a business? Pick one that blooms in recession

March 28, 2009, 2:37AM

Q: I would like to start or buy a small business, but the economic news these days is so depressing that I’m wondering if there are any good opportunities in today’s environment. Do you know of any?

A: There are many small businesses in Houston that are doing quite well despite the economic slowdown we face. Some are types of businesses in markets that are weathering the storm better than most. Others have acted aggressively to stimulate sales, have adjusted their product or service mix in response to changing customer needs, or have increased their efficiency to improve their bottom line.
For example, when the conventional wisdom was to trim down and scrutinize costs, Veronica Millstid-Levine, the owner-manager of Bailey Connor Catering, hired a marketing consultant and additional salesperson to root out more customers.
It paid off with a 21 percent increase in sales in 2008, and the company is on course for a greater increase in 2009.
“Auto repair is an example of a sought-after business in these recessionary times,” said Rose Stabler, Managing Partner of Certified Business Brokers.
“With the car dealerships going out of business and their repair shops along with them, there will be more people looking for private auto repair shops. In addition, more people are keeping their cars instead of buying new ones. Therefore, more repairs!” Stabler said.
One of Stabler’s current listings for sale in Houston boosted its earnings last year by 65 percent by providing superior auto service to its local customers.
Debbie Beal, owner-manager of A2Z Educational Supplies in Humble, worked with SCORE business counselor Bob Galbreath.
She emphasizes quality service to her customers, who are mostly schools and teachers.
Her sales increased by 28 percent last year, despite Ike, and are showing about a 40 percent increase year-over-year in 2009.
Vic Bailey of One Voice, a business communication services company, has maintained his sales volume by “hitting the streets” and paying visits to current clients and potential clients.
Improved telecommunications is one way his clients can increase productivity.
So he proactively gets out there to advise them on those improvements.

1 comment:

  1. You know conventional wisdom may itself be the subject of legends. For example, it is widely believed that conventional wisdom prior to Christopher Columbus held that the world was flat, when in actuality scholars had long accepted that the earth is a sphere.
