Brand needs clear edge in bad times

July 11, 2009, 3:58PM

Q: Is it worth continuing to build your brand in a difficult economic climate?

A: Studies have shown that companies that have high brand awareness achieve returns far greater than companies that don't. Taking an active approach to marketing and branding is vital, especially during a tight economy. Spending a lot isn't the key to marketing and branding. Instead, focus on your audience and provide qual-ity, quality and quality in everything you do.
Do what you say you're going to do. This may sound like common sense, but one of the primary drivers of brand loyalty is a consistent experience.
If you say you are going to have the product ready or the service delivered on a set day, be sure it is ready. Positive experiences lead to good feelings, which lead to customers telling their friends. Don't forget that bad experiences spread faster and are harder to overcome — if you get a chance at all.
The first key to successful brand building is to clearly define your brand. If you haven't yet, draft a one-page description of your business.
It helps to get an outside perspective; ask people who interact with your company about their perceptions. How would they describe your business? What do they think you do? What do they like about it? How do you compare to rivals? Could your company improve?
Then, write down what your business stands for.
Examine every component of your brand — for example, your logo, business cards, signage, Web site, on-hold messaging and e-mail signature — and make sure they are consistent with your desired image.
Your employees are important stewards of your brand. Branding is as much about your people as anything else. The best interactions come from one-on-one conversations among managers, employees, suppliers and customers. Employees engaged with your brand philosophy will become brand ambassadors.
A down economy is the time to reaffirm your value proposition with your customers and prospects. Keep your company and brand at the top of their minds. The economy will turn around, and you want to be the first choice when they're ready to buy.
Because branding is a long-term effort, it may take months before a small business will see results.
Don't abandon that effort, even when times are tough. This way, you'll be ready when the economy rebounds, and consumers will remember you were there.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that a global brand is one which is perceived to reflect the same set of values around the world. Global brands transcend their origins and create strong enduring relationships with consumers across countries and cultures
