Jan. 31, 2009, 12:03AM
Q. I’ve been told that I need to network more in order to expand my small business, but I’m not very good at it. How does one go about networking?
A. Networking is the process of connecting with people so you may help others and they may help you. The interactions established through effective networking build over time and can make a difference in the amount of business your company generates.
Networking doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. Many are uncomfortable with starting a conversation with someone they don’t know. Others are concerned it won’t be worth their time.
Successful networking is more than simply exchanging introductions and business cards and then waiting for someone to call.
Donna Fisher, a networking author and speaker, says you should focus on people as they are introduced to you, so that you remember who they are.
Also, don’t waste the few precious moments you have with contacts by focusing on yourself. It’s better to spend most of that time asking questions so you can assess whether or how to follow up.
Fisher’s easy-to-read book Power Networking, which she co-authored with Sandy Vilas, identifies 59 secrets to building powerful networks.
Here are a few.
When introducing yourself, you need to make your company sound spectacular in seven to 10 seconds, Fisher says. Your introduction needs to be “clear, concise and personable to attract people’s attention, generate inquiry and be remembered.”
Look professional and always carry your business card. After all, who knows where or when you’ll meet a fantastic contact. “Treat the act of giving someone your card with respect, and the recipient will also treat the card, interaction and follow-up with respect,” Fisher says.
Give referrals whenever possible. The best networkers believe in the “givers gain” philosophy. In other words, If you don’t attempt to help the people you meet, then you are not networking effectively. If you can’t give someone a bona fide referral, try to offer information that might be of interest to them, such as details about an event. Write notes on the backs of business cards you collect to help remember each person.
You can do all of the above religiously, but if you don’t follow up effectively, you will have wasted your time. Call each person you’ve met. Be sure to fulfill promises.
You know the study of networks has emerged in diverse disciplines as a means of analyzing complex relational data.