Emerging Leaders Initiative

After getting off to a good start and proven your concept with ample unfilled demand for your service, it may be time to prepare your small business to substantially grow. That’s when you need the expert training and mentoring that is required to make that leap forward to compete at a higher level. Fortunately, there’s a successful program in its second year in Houston that can prepare you for the challenges you face.
The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Emerging Leaders Initiative is a federal training initiative conducted in 48 communities since 2008. The program specifically focuses on executives of businesses poised for growth. The initiative provides these executives with the organizational framework, resource network, and motivation required to build sustainable businesses and promote the economic development within urban communities.
Hundreds of graduates have reported revenue growth, $17 million in new financing, created new jobs or retained all existing jobs, and over $700 million secured in federal, state, local, tribal and corporate contract awards.
Over the course of seven months, participants are given the opportunity to work with experienced mentors, attend specialized workshops and develop connections with their peers, city leaders, and the financial community. The Initiative incorporates a research-based curriculum specifically designed to stimulate and support the development and expansion of your business including options for accessing new capital and securing government contracts. 
The Emerging Leaders Initiative is for established business owners and is not for start-ups. The series is open to small business owners and executives that: have annual revenues of at least $400,000, have been in business for at least 3 years, and have at least one employee, other than self. All types of businesses can participate.
At the conclusion of the training, entrepreneurs produce a three-year strategic growth action plan with benchmarks and performance targets that will help them access the necessary support and resources to move forward.  The end result of the executive education prepares and encourages small businesses to move to the next level on their growth trajectory.  
Participation in the Initiative is free. The only cost is your time and commitment to complete the curriculum over the course of seven months. All other costs are covered by the SBA and SCORE who is sponsoring this event and providing mentoring services. 
Business executives interested in participating should register before March 7 at www.interise.org/sbaemergingleaders. Classes begin in April. For information, contact Stephen Curry at Stephen.Curry@sba.gov or (713) 773-6542. _________________________________________________________________________ SCORE is a nonprofit association whose volunteers help start and improve small businesses. Send questions or volunteer inquiries to scorehouston@gmail.com.

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